Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the Internet.
When you look at Reddit it’s best to think of it as individual communities united under one brand.
The “subreddits” act a lot like their own entities. You can find just about any type of subreddit out there whether you have an interest in model cars or some obscure hobby.
Of course, you can expect a slew of subreddits devoted to the types of activates you’d do as an affiliate marketer. Unfortunately, a lot of these subreddits have been severely spammed and end up being nothing more than a place for people to dump their links (rather than start conversations and build the community).
The following are some of the subreddits I’ve found that are ideal for the affiliate marketer.
But fair warning … don’t abuse them.
Put some real effort into being part of the community. Keep up with the discussions. Know the regulars that frequently post. Visit the sites, leave comments, and contact those individuals. Basically … don’t turn it into another dumping ground for mediocre content or discussion. Treat it as you would your website in the sense that you wouldn’t want someone coming through, dumping a link, and contributing nothing to the discussion.
Okay … here’s the list …
1. /r/BigSEO
This, I have found, is the best subreddit dedicated to search engine optimization. It’s on here that you can keep up with all the big industry news, discuss strategies, and talk with experts in the field. The subreddit, being called BigSEO, focuses on the bigger picture so you’re far more likely to find good, long-term strategies.
Take a look to this one whether you’re a beginning or expert on SEO – you’re bound to find a few good gems.
2. /r/AdBreakdown
An odd one to add to the list to say the least but I feel it’s entirely relevant to our affiliate marketing purpose. The subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of advertising. What makes the subreddit particularly valuable is that you are essentially receiving feedback from your average consumer. Go into this subreddit with the intention of learning a thing or two about how people react to the big advertisers.
Make this work for you by reworking your advertising to match their expected response.
3. /r/Entrepreneur
Pretty much sums up what you can expect in this subreddit. Here you will find lively discussions on just about any and all topics related to starting a business. In the sidebar, you can find frequently asked questions, info on the legal items of starting a business, and interviews/chats with successful business owners in many different industries.
Sometimes you may need to wade through some crap but you’re bound to connect with smart individuals.
4. /r/Motivation
Get past the slew of posts that link to images with inspiring quotes and you’ll find a treasure of great insights from people trying to get motivated. This subreddit is one that works its wonders if you have a few minutes to spare and need a pick-me-up. You can dip in, read a few stories, and come back to your work inspired to do something great. It’ll also help you to identify your faults and what’s holding you back from moving ahead in your work.
Overall – it’s a good one for affiliate marketers feeling a bit burned out on their work.
5. /r/SocialCitizens
One part business and one part social. This is a subreddit dedicated to those social entrepreneurs that want to make the world a better place. Here you will find the type of content and discussion focused on what a person (and their business) could do to help with topics like education, immigration, sustainability, and human progress. I believe this is one part of the future of business since we’re all social animals.
Pick up a few traits from the examples (or insights from the experts) and you’ll form your affiliate business into one that’s well-rounded and built to last.
6. /r/yourniche
I had mentioned that you can basically find just about any topic of discussion on Reddit. Take some time to dig around. Type in some of the keywords following the /r/ and you’re likely to find a few, small subreddits devoted to the topic. It may be hit or miss with some of them but you’re bound to find a few that will hit the mark.
If you want to dig deeper I’d suggest you check into RedditList for a quick scan for your niche.
After all this … will you make Reddit part of your research? Have you found one that’s particularly interesting? How will you use it as part of your strategy? Leave a comment.