Why should you bother with St. Patrick’s Day affiliate marketing and promotions?
Considering Americans spent an estimated $4.7 billion dollars for this holiday should give you a start.
Wait… what?! Indeed.
There’s big money to be made during St. Patrick’s Day.
Positioning your affiliate marketing just right can have you discovering the pot o’ gold.
This post will give you the St. Patrick’s Day affiliate marketing strategies, suggestions, and resources to make the most of the fun-filled holiday.
Notable Events for St. Patty’s Day Promo
I want to begin by covering a few of the notable events that happen during this day of celebration.
I’m including this section because you could leverage these events within your affiliate strategy. Some happen on a national level while others on the local.
You could use the news and frequented search terms, during this time, to aid in search and social in ways such as developing content, finding an individual to interview, or affiliating with products popular at the events.
Here are some things to note:
- Parades
- Pub Crawls
- Festivals
- Fun runs
- Tourist attractions
St-Patricks-Day.com has a good roundup of events.
St. Patrick’s Day Promotional Ideas, Offers, and Products
Amazon is one of my favorite sources for finding items to promote during holidays. They even create event hubs where you can look through what’s popular & upcoming in many of the big categories.
The following are categories and items that would be worthwhile to promote (along with an idea or two for running the promotion):
- Attire – Lots of green, Leprechaun, Irish inspired attire is plentiful during this holiday. People choose to wear them when going out to parties, parades, and festivals. The basic promotion may be something as small as a hat; you could also promote big-ticket items such as full costumes for the occasion. Keep the attire green (and maybe a bit of gold).
- Party-Related – Many individuals will host a St. Patrick’s Day party which means they need basic supplies like plates, cups, decorations, banners, green hair spray or face paint, and the like. Green beer is quite an essential element to the parties so you could work your affiliate marketing in there by promoting mugs and other drinking utensils that are themed to the green.
- Kid Stuff – The kids don’t want to be left out. There are many St. Patrick’s Day toys, games, books, movies, and attire for the young ones.
- Cooking – The BBQ will, no doubt, be the center of attention which means you have the opportunity to promote grills, aprons, cooking utensils, and all the other miscellaneous items that go along with the cooking. You could also promote companies that sell and ship food products online for an added bump to the promotion.
- Events – Check into what Groupon or LivingSocial is showing up for your area. There is bound to be many events focused on St. Patrick’s Day.
I really like using Amazon Associates around these holiday times because people trust in the brand and they have fast, reliable shipping so the buyer knows they’ll get their orders in on time. Just these two factors mean you shouldn’t have as tough a time with your affiliate conversions.
Here’s something to keep in mind – to get the most of it all:
Let’s say Bob and family plan to attend a parade and then hold a BBQ. You could provide content for Bob and fam which shares ideas and suggestions for dressing up for the parade watching. Other content could include safety while going out during St. Patrick’s Day. Once Bob and fam are back they could get ideas from your content about theming their party and having everything ready (via items you promote).
So what you’re doing is taking a person landing on your site from the idea of being part of the party all the way to holding one which will allow you to promote just about anything and everything related to the holiday.
St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Campaigns to Capture the Luck O’ the Irish
Since you have a week to get things rolling you’re limited in what you can get rolling so I’m going to give you three items to start with and then roll with them however you want from there:
- Facebook Ads/Promos – Start pushing the St. Patrick’s Day content to your FB page and put in the money to run them as promoted posts. At the same time – use your analytics to find your converting pages (related to the holiday) and start an ad campaign on the network.
- Party Guides – There are those who are prepared then there’s the rest of us. The latter of the two need ideas – quick – and they’re okay with spending a little extra if it means they can get a party together on time. This is where you step in by providing an essential guide to throwing a St. Patrick’s Day party. In the guide, you offer tips, tricks, and ideas along with products/services (which you’re affiliated, of course). Give them away to the list, through advertising campaigns, and anywhere else you can share.
- Attend the Events – Treat the events like you could a conference. Get out there, have fun, and mingle with people. Let the green beer loosen the conversation and use those chats as a way to get people excited about your affiliate work. Pass out cards, hand out flyers, or whatever you can do, physically, to bring people back to the site for more info. This could work great if you’re covering events and parties.
Of course – run the rest of the gamut when it comes to online promotions. Do your social activities. Write guest blog posts. Run advertisements on multiple networks. Get people talking.
Getting Gold with Your St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Strategy
Holidays are a great time to bring spikes of revenue to your affiliate marketing business.
St. Patrick’s Day should definitely be one of them.
I believe you now have all the basics you need to begin a promotional campaign during this holiday. Put in some effort this year. Americans (and the rest of the World) are going to spend a whole lot of green during the holiday. Grab a fraction of a percent and you could see for some very wild profits.