Base Commission | 10% |
Payment Frequency | Monthly |
Payment Type | PayPal |
Accepted Countries | Global |
Nanshy is an online retailer focused on providing products and service for one area of the beauty and makeup niche: brushes. Yes, they also sell sponges, bags, and storage, but their focus on general, eye, face, and lip makeup brushes let them position as a leader in this market sub-category. They’re small and agile but feisty and redefining what quality means for these product types.
The Nanshy affiliate program is free and easy-to-setup through their internal platform. Affiliates can expect 10% commissions on all products sold through their website (minus shipping). Commissions include the wholesale versus singular products referring visitors.
The program includes pre-made banners, text links, and a bonus 25% off products if you choose to buy and use what you plan to promote. The program uses a lifetime cookie period, too, making this quite an attractive promotion if you’re patient!
Nanshy may not be the most recognized brand in the beauty niche. But, they’re doing good work and customers love the brand. Their focus on brushes lets them remain agile and reinvest efforts without stretching too thin like many other makeup brands.
What makes this program good? What’s lacking?
Nanshy is certainly a unique brand worth adding to your affiliate lineup because it’s rare finding a business solely focused on one segment of a market. This lets them stay focused on providing quality products and services which are the hallmarks of memorable customer experience.
We think the Nanshy affiliate program gives plenty of opportunities when promoting this select segment of beauty and makeup products. Yes, a competitor could swoop in and disrupt their space but that’s where the customer service comes into play.
Overall, Nancy offers and promotions will have you wanting more as the commissions go but it won’t be a hard sell to your visitors. The program is free to join and easy-to-use so there’s no reason not to give their product line a few tests in your campaigns or on your site.