Surveys are a great way to cut straight through the noise and find out exactly what your site visitors truly want.
Surveying gives you the ability uncover the hidden needs and desires.
Once you understand these items you can make appropriate adjustments to your business and it’s these adjustments that will help you increase your revenue and grow the business.
The only thing stopping you from doing these surveys is the fact you’re not doing them.
They’re extremely easy to conduct.
There are many free tools to get the job done. Read on because this post will certainly give you the nudge to start surveying your visitors …
User Surveys: Who to Include
Who you survey will matter a great deal because you want quality responses that’ll help your business.
Here are a few:
- General Visitors. These are the people that find your site through search engines and in social media. Their feedback is typically generic but can still be helpful in certain situations.
- List Subscribers. Perhaps one of your best sources of feedback will come from these individuals because they’re already following your brand and have been around long enough that their opinions are attuned to your work.
- Action Takers. The people that have converted on an offer or purchased something from your business. These people will help you understand what you could be doing better which will ultimately trickle down to everyone else.
- The Social Group. Your followers and fans those are quite active in the industry. They get around so they can be helpful when trying to gain a bigger picture of the niche.
- Your Business Network. Fellow business individuals that understand the industry, have done the tests, failed and succeeded, and have a network of their own. These people will certainly help with the business end of things.
User Surveys: What to Check
Once you have an idea of who you’ll survey it’ll then come down to what kind of information you seek.
Such as:
- Usability. Find out what people feel about using your website and how you can improve its functionality. An increase in usability means an easier progression through the site and eventually onward to the affiliate offers.
- Copy. Try to get a response to your copy and how you can reword it to improve its effectiveness. Ask what headlines they enjoy, what CTA copy got their click, or how to fix the tone of your work.
- Sales Process. Find out what people look for when they’re going through the sales funnel. Ask how you can improve this process, ensure security and trust, and what little bonuses would encourage repeat business.
- Education. Find out how much they know about the industry, niche, and specific topics.
- Income and Finances. Ask their general income and how much they’re willing to invest in becoming an expert at what you have to offer.
- Service. Learn what you’re doing right (and wrong) on the customer service side of things. Ask for the best way to help, the appropriate time, and what you may have left out.
- Content. See what your visitors want in terms of content (this may also include asking about different media formats, too).
There are numerous questions to ask and these examples only touch the tip of the iceberg. Treat it like A/B testing in the sense that you’re surveying one particular topic. Then keep drilling down and digging up more and more information.
User Surveys: When to Request
When are you supposed to survey? Anytime, really.
- Keep a survey box available at the bottom of the screen.
- Have one after someone subscribes to a list.
- Put one on the 404 page.
- Hold one once a week on your social feeds.
- Ask for feedback when emailing people.
Try not to go overboard and bombard people with survey after survey – make it available and let them do it when they have the time. Then do the occasional push when you feel the time is right.
User Surveys: Why It Matters
I think it’s safe to assume you know why you’re surveying.
- You’ll know what to improve on the site.
- You’ll understand what people want.
- You’ll gain the ability to adjust and attune your direction.
- You’ll find the hidden opportunities.
- You’ll find what’s holding you back.
As I’ve mentioned – surveying is a lot like A/B testing in the sense that you’re finding exact information and then having the ability to put it into action. The more you know about your visitors and fans the more you can make logical decisions to grow the business.
How to Do User Surveys
There’s no shortage of tools and services to do these surveys. Some are paid for advanced features but even the basic forms generally offer enough to get the responses you need.
Here are a few options:
- Google Consumer Surveys
- SurveyMonkey
- Wufoo
- PollDaddy
You could also take a technical route by installing a plugin or script onto your website.
The tools are easy to use and quite flexible – you shouldn’t have a problem getting them sset up
Those should give you a start with implementing surveys as part of your normal routine.
You’ll learn a great deal more about your site visitors when you take the time to conduct surveys. You’ll learn exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. Listening in can help your affiliate business grow faster and faster. You can see, by this post, that doing surveys is quite easy so don’t put it off as another piece of advice – start doing it, today.