In the big cities is very easy to keep up-to-date with the local events. There are countless magazines, news sources, flyers, meetups, FB invites, flash organizations, and the like, to keep you in the know about what’s going on. But when you start to get away from the cities you don’t see a whole lot of coverage of smaller events and it’s this void of coverage where you can step in, become a digital landlord, and make some good money - you get to carve out a niche in your hometown. Here’s how you can build up local events &...
Author: Waleed M
Business Security: Best Practices & Resources to Protect Your Business
Business security isn’t usually something you have in mind when you’re launching your project. You're itching to get started and jump right into the “meat” of the biz. But, security does need to be on your list if you see yourself operating for some time. A flaw in your security could lead to a ton of troubles which will set you back. If the security of your list (like their credit cards) is compromised then you can see yourself looking at a PR disaster. Likewise, you should be ready in the event of a natural disaster not just for the...
How to Increase the Effectiveness of Email Campaigns: 6 Email Blast Marketing Tips
Your email list is pure gold if you increase the effectiveness of the campaigns. This means: More email opens Better response rates Don't have email blasts going yet? That’s a shame because the list is really where the money’s at. Use our email marketing guide to get things going. For everyone else? You could be doing a few things with it that seems somewhat successful. It’s not giving you the type of ROI you were expecting. No worries. We've got six ways to improve email marketing (and improve response and open rates)... 1. Set a Higher Threshold to "Weed Out"...
Top Selling Products in Winter – Hot Profits, Winter Niche
How would you like to heat up earnings by promoting products in the "winter niche"? People may be bundled up, but they're still spending! We all know it’s about to get chilly yet we ride it out until that last minute. Then, once it hits, suddenly we’re scrambling for the coats, tire chains, and snow shovels. Look at this quick need to buy, as a marketer, and you can see the opportunity. This isn’t the time to go cheap on winter wear or other necessities. Consumers are spending a good deal of money for their comfort and they’re willing to...
Great Workflow Habits to Improve Your Business
Running a business and doing its marketing, albeit an exciting opportunity, is a job requiring great workflow habits. You’ll wake to a mounting number of tasks to complete in order to keep your profits stable. You’re always on the lookout for new tools and resources that’ll give you an edge. There are always new products and platforms to choose from to grow the business. In essence: it’s a labor of love – and you’ve gotta love it all day, every day. The pressure will build, in due time. You only have 24 hours in the day and even less time...
What Buzzfeed, Upworthy, and Cracked can Teach You about Social Content
Buzzfeed, Upworthy, and Cracked are pretty dang great at crafting social content. The type of content that gets social media users buzzing. The type of content that challenges ideas. These blogs absolutely dominated the social media landscape. Since we first wrote this post we used these three as the big examples. Cracked is going through a recent shake-up. Upworthy isn't nearly as big as it used to be. But Buzzfeed is still going strong. Each gives us something to learn -- something we can apply to our blogs and how we form this social content. The interesting thing: There isn’t...
Don’t Get Too Wrapped up with Blog Comments
Blog comments are one of the first methods of contact you have with you and the community... ...and vice versa when commenting to others. The built-in comment systems and third-party platforms provide a great opportunity to gain feedback, share expertise, and generate discussions. However, it’s very easy to become consumed with their importance. When you start to get too wrapped up in blog comments you begin to miss the big picture. (more…)
eSports: The Hottest Trend Disrupting Entertainment
We’ve seen major AAA titles do phenomenally successful in the market. New systems have just launched. Streaming services are a plenty. eSports, the growing community around competitive gaming, is bigger than ever which is why I’d like to take this time to go through its popularity and what opportunities are available from the affiliate angle. The Rise of eSports Just how popular are eSports? Considering that 32 million people tuned in to watch the League of Legends championship it’s easy to understand that this is going to be big. Gaming has gone mainstream. Platforms like Twitch have thousands of gamers...
Three Traits you need to Change as an Affiliate Marketer
When you make that transition from being an employee or traditional business owner into the world of affiliate marketing you bring along a lot of baggage. An employee has been trained to follow specific rules for their position. They aren’t allowed to think outside the box and solve problems their way, usually. Established business owners, too, get into a mindset of “if it’s not broke then don’t fix it”. Most of them have developed traits that set limiters on their ability to grow, in business. They may not see it immediately but it would become very apparent if and when...